Thursday, February 21, 2008


转眼就到了元宵节,这也意味着新年就快过完了。该是时候收拾心情了吧?哈哈, 该是减肥的时候了,我知道你们一定会说,听我讲很久了吧,就只讲不做。回想起来还真的有很多事,就只讲不做,只想不做。记得有人问我,有什么爱好,我举了些,但有大多数都没去做,如游泳-喜欢但不会,在郊外踏脚车-没机会,去海边BBQ,去RED Box唱歌等等。。。。。。朋友听了后很迷惑的问我,你喜欢,但为甚么你不去做?我就找了一堆的理由(或借口)来支持我没理由的理由。“你喜欢,但为甚么你不去做?”这句话一直萦绕在心头。为甚么?为甚么?到底要等到何时才敢于面对着自己的渴望与希求?难道就要在多年以后带着遗憾想当年吗?不要,我不要!!!但,在没得到之前,是否该先想想能否接受得到后失去的痛苦?人生是否一直就在思前想后的犹豫中已悄悄的流逝了一半?是我想太多了吧?该是放纵飞向梦想天空的时候了吧?这只因不想再错过。。。。。。


Anonymous said...

What you wrote in your entry is very true, thats the way more than 90% of the people in this world think.
Well, you don't have to think too much whther you choose to do or otherwise.
If you want to do some outrageous stuff, then follow the Nike slogan and "Just Do It".
On the other hand, never look back in anger on the things that you wish but never take the initiative to do it. Just let it go and don't blame yourself for it.
We should live in the present moment, the "NOW". Stop worrying about the future because its not here yet. Don't regret over the past, time cannot be turned back and what has been done cannot be undone.

yukiyen said...

hihi HY, thanks for your comment, really appreciate it :)

Yeo911 said...

actually i agree with u yen. not to think too much as doing wat you feel wanna to be.

yukiyen said...

Yeo - thanks. but sometimes we just can't get wat we want. :(